Professional Marroca Heavy Texture 2mm Stone (PTX/ TTX)
A 2mm High Build Floating Stone (Scratch Textured Finish) coating, vertical and swirl finishes.
Areas of Use
• Interior and exterior use. • Used as a finishing coat on suitably primed new or previously painted cement plaster, concrete, masonry and gypsum plaster. • Also suitable for fibre-cement, chipboard and hardboard.
Decorative finish.
Protects exterior surfaces against breakdown caused by harsh climatic conditions.
Improves water resistance of walls.
Reinforced with carefully graded aggregates of mica and mineral quartz for long lasting protection durability and toughness.
Protects and also hides minor surface irregularities and disguises repaired areas.
Spread Rate
Scratch-Texture Matt Finish
Refer to TDS
Trade Guarantees are based on quality of substrate, coating system and environment as per ISO/ SANS standards